The world of credit card points and miles can be very confusing. There are so many cards, so many benefits and so much information to learn. But the rewards are worth the effort. Here are just a couple of examples of trips we've taken thanks to points and miles.
- Round trip business class airfare to Italy for 2 people.
- Business class airfare to Amsterdam, Istanbul, Tanzania, Bali and Singapore plus luxury hotels.
- Trips with family and friends to Iceland, Mexico City, and a host of domestic trips.
- Upgraded 2 room suites in multiple cities both domestic and international-often free.
- Multi-city European trip with hotels and airfare covered with points.
I can teach you which card to use to earn the most points and which card(s) will get you the trip you desire in the style that you want.
According to a study by JD Power, 1/3 of all credit card users aren’t using all the benefits their cards offer. Additionally, 1/3 of card users either don’t use their points or they redeem them for less than full value. And quite a few people are simply using the wrong card for the type of spending they do and the type of travel they want to enjoy. The information can be overwhelming and that’s where I can help. I follow the blogs that update the points and miles world on changes to credit cards, new offerings, new benefits and which cards have huge sign up bonuses. I am an active participant in the Points and Miles community via Facebook and in person conferences as well as being a Community Manager for one of the largest Facebook award travel groups. I’ve put my knowledge to good use in our family personal trips and helped friends. Let me do the work so you can enjoy the benefits!